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[Release] BotSauce Version 1.021


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A new version of the BotSauce client is available for download!




Release Notes

  • The bot will now detect BlueStacks if you open the bot first, and then open new BlueStacks instances. Previously you needed to open BlueStacks first, and then the bot.
  • Fixed a bug where the bot would resize MEmu to be larger than the users display. This caused the bot to not function properly since MEmu was offscreen for some users (primarily on AFK Arena, with monitors <= 1920x1080). Now if the monitor resolution is smaller than recommended size, the bot will not make the MEmu window larger than your monitors resolution.
  • The bot window was not able to resize as small as it should have been. You can now resize the bot client width to be much smaller than before.
  • Continued development of the code architecture to put better structure in place for future expansion
  • Added a new "Register" link on bot the login screen



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- The BotSauce Team

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