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[Release] Raid: Shadow Legends [Version 1.006]


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A new version of the Raid: Shadow Legends script has been released! To get the latest script, simply restart your bot client. 



Release Notes

  • Added an option for campaign to "Battle every ____ Minutes". This helps throttle how often the script will battle campaign stages, so you can have a delay between them now.
  • Removed the "Progressive" and "Repeat" options from campaign settings. Now this will be determined by the "Start Level-Start Stage" and the "Reset After Level-Reset After Stage" settings added in the last release. For example, if you start on 4-5 and reset after 6-7, this would be equal to the old progressive mode option. If you start on 4-5 and reset after 4-5, this would be equal to the old repeat option, and it will just repeat 4-5 over and over.
  • Updated the script to catch the in game google play "ERROR" message, and tap the retry button if this popup is detected.



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