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[Release] Raid: Shadow Legends [Version 1.008]


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A new version of the Raid: Shadow Legends script has been released! To get the latest script, simply restart your bot client. 



Release Notes

  • Updated "Out of Resources" behavior
    • Old Behavior: Previously when you ran out of resources (energy/keys) the bot would wait 30 minutes and try again. During that time, no other activities would be able to execute. 
    • New Behavior: Now if a certain game mode runs out of resources, only that game mode activity will pause for 30 minutes. Meanwhile, other activities will still be able to execute while those "out of resource" game mode activities are on hold.
  • Fixed a bug where some stages would not be detected due to the bot not dragging the screen far enough
  • Fixed a bug in auto detecting the max stage, sometimes it would not behave consistently



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